According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and, teen drivers have the highest rate of motor vehicle crashes in the United States, and drivers with less than 18 months of driving experience have four times the risk of a crash or near-crash. Teen driving-related deaths are on the rise, due to technology use, distracted driving, inexperience, speed, and use of alcohol or drugs.
Here are some tips to keep your teen driver safe.
Practice Makes Perfect
Driving is a skill and takes practice to master. It is important to practice driving with your teens frequently to reinforce safe driving habits. Inexperience and poor judgment are two of the reasons that teens can get into car crashes. The more time parents spend in the car with teens, the safer they will be! Even if your teen has completed the required hours to get their license, it is still important to practice driving with them and help them become safer. Some tips for teaching your teen how to drive safely include:

- Discuss the skills you want to practice before getting in the car.
- Use an even tone of voice and give clear instructions.
- When your teen makes a mistake, ask them to pull over and calmly discuss what went wrong.
- Encourage your teen to make observations aloud while they are driving.
- Ask your teen to reflect on how their driving went after they get out of the car each time.
Fraction the Distractions
There are more distractions than ever for teens on the road, which can cause more crashes. To minimize distractions while driving:
Encourage your teen to silence and put away their cell phones. Some phones even have settings so that the phone will not display notifications in a moving vehicle, helping to keep teens safe.
Teens should avoid driving friends and family if possible. Passengers in a car can distract the driver– every additional passenger increases the risk of a car accident. Some parents start a “no-friends” rule for the first few months of driving, or do not allow more than two passengers in the car at a time.
No eating or drinking while driving! Keep those hands on the wheel at all times.
No eating or drinking while driving! Keep those hands on the wheel at all times.

Drop the Call
Cell phones are a common distraction that can lead to car crashes. Teens should not talk on the phone, text, or use their phone for any reason while driving. Even hands-free options can be distracting for an inexperienced driver. Parents should model this behavior and teach their children the importance of putting their phones away in the car.
Don’t Drive in the Dark
Nighttime driving poses additional risks. It is more difficult to see and navigate, and teens may be tired, leading to worse judgment. There is a four times higher risk of death in a car crash at night than during the day. Teens should avoid driving at night as much as possible. Parents may choose to implement a curfew so that their children do not drive too late.
Drinking and Drugs
Teens should never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drivers with alcohol or marijuana in their systems are twice as likely to cause a car crash. Parents should educate their teens about the effects of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs, and encourage teens to avoid these substances, especially if they are driving.
Strap In
Parents should always wear a seatbelt to model good habits, and always encourage teens to wear a seatbelt as well. All passengers in the car should wear a seatbelt as well, to reduce the risk of injury if your child does get into a crash.
For more information about teen driving safety, visit You can also contact the Injury Free Coalition for Kids, a Program of the Children’s Trust, at 305-243-9080 or online at
- American Academy of Pediatrics Offers Recommendations for Parents of Teen Drivers. Read more.
- Behind the Wheel: How to Help Your Teen Become a Safe Driver. Read more.
- Myths vs Facts about Teen Drivers. Read more.
- Seat Belts for Older Children. Read more.
- The Teen Driver. Read more.
- Distracted Driving. Read more.